2 April 2024

After quite a slow start, the year is beginning to hot up (for my art at least!). I’ve already received some commissions and have sold paintings, including one at the Farnham Art Society Annual Exhibition, where another of my paintings (pictured) received a “highly commended” mention!

27 January 2024

I’m gearing up for another exciting year of sketching wedding venues, university graduations and memorable locations around the world, with a good sprinkling of Farnham sketches thrown in.

In addition, this year I am going to branch out into the new worlds of classic car and soft pastel sketches. I’m also going to try to go up a notch and produce A2 (16” x 24”) paintings. Scary stuff!

20 January 2024

New year, new palette! I spent some time over the holidays having a hard look at my pigments, removing those I don’t use much and adding some exciting new colours I’ve come across recently. Can’t wait to get going with them!

3 December 2023

I’ve been happy to have been exhibiting in the Making Matters pop-up shop at 5a Lion & Lamb Yard, Farnham since the beginning of October. It’s an amazing shop, with great lighting and the curation has been superb. All 20 artists exhibiting take turns in stewarding, which is a lovely opportunity to meet the other artists and talk about their techniques and approach, and also to chat to visitors about art and what they are looking for!

The shop is open until 23 December.

6 August 2023

This week I’ve been completing some of the many sketches that have been too long in the pile called “almost finished”.

A big issue for all artists is knowing when to stop. The loose nature of my sketches means that many errors can (luckily for me!) often safely stay unnoticed, but there are things that still catch my eye and demand adjustment - the need for a bit more ink here, the need to remove a random streak of watercolour there. Or - always - put in more values! Then those touches need to dry, so I can have 5-10 sketches in progress at any time - I don’t have space to dry more than that!

But it is so rewarding to finally sign a sketch. That really means “no more changes”.

Also this week I was delighted to hear that I have been elected as an Allied Member of the Society of Architectural Illustrators.

St Andrew’s Church, Farnham, from the cemetery.

July 2023

Finally I can launch my website! Sorry for the delay.

In other news…

I’m delighted to say that I’ve been accepted into Making Matters’ popup shop at 5a, Lion & Lamb Yard, Farnham for October and part of November. Check back here later for more details.

You can also catch me at Art on the Railings in Farnham on the first Saturday of each month (until November).

It looks like I’m going to be busy this Summer, getting ready for Making Matters, as well as working on the commissions I have in the order pipeline…

Lincoln Cathedral, as seen from the entrance to the Castle.